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transformational grammarsの例文


  • The two representations are linked to each other by transformational grammar.
  • A transformational grammar theory might parse this sentence as the following diagram shows:
  • The transformational grammar thus relates meaning and sound.
  • For example, generative linguistics and transformational grammar were exploited to improve the quality of translations.
  • Many linguists never bought into transformational grammar, and by all appearances most have abandonned it now.
  • The research was based on " transformational grammar, " a concept originally formulated by Noam Chomsky.
  • In much of the transformational grammar literature, morphological cases are viewed as determined by the syntactic configuration.
  • "' Noam Chomsky "'challenges Saussure s structural approach by introducing his Transformational Grammar Approach.
  • It's hard to write an article on current thinking in transformational grammar because current thinking is much less clear.
  • The system was created by the American linguist Charles J . Fillmore in ( 1968 ), in the context of Transformational Grammar.
  • To demonstrate the innovations transformational grammar has provided linguistics, Bernstein diagrams the sentence  Jack loves Jill ( p . 67 ).
  • Chomsky has argued that phrase structure grammars are also inadequate for describing natural languages, and formulated the more complex system of transformational grammar.
  • At the time, he was still a proponent of Noam Chomsky's theory of generative grammar during its earliest transformational grammar phase.
  • Her dissatisfaction with transformational grammar led her to collaborate with Kaplan on a new theoretical framework, Lexical-Functional Grammar ( or LFG ).
  • "Move ? " marks a shift of attention in transformational grammar in around 1980, away from focussing on specific Principles " constraining them.
  • The "'Trace Erasure Principle "'is a stipulation proposed by Noam Chomsky as part of the Generative-Transformational Grammar.
  • Early versions of Chomsky's theory were called transformational grammar, and this is still used as a general term that includes his subsequent theories.
  • Like relational grammar, arc pair grammar is greatly concerned with grammatical relations ( as opposed to the generative theories like versions of Chomskyan transformational grammar ).
  • James Ney, a linguist at Arizona State University, argues that the shift in contemporary linguistics toward transformational grammar has taken attention away from historical linguistics.
  • Noam Chomsky, in " The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory " ( 1955, 1975 ) provides a proposal about dative structure using transformational grammar.
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